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Therapeutic Recreation Practicum Placements


Student Practicum Placement Requirements

All Professional Member applicants must complete a (minimum) 320 hours of therapeutic recreation practicum placement(s). Practicum placement hour requirement may be met over one or more placements.


The Recreation Therapist Preceptor must sign the Therapeutic Recreation Practicum Placement Confirmation Form_2025.docx - Google Docs, declaring that the above three criteria have been met and at the completion of the clinical placement the student has or has not demonstrated the Essential Competencies described in the Competency Profile (ATRA, 2012).

The practicum placement must be arranged through a post-secondary education institution and the student must receive course credit for the placement.

The student must be placed with a Recreation Therapy Preceptor for at least 250 hours of the practicum placement. The Recreation Therapy Preceptor must be on-site for at least 250 out of the 320 hours. The primary Recreation Therapy Preceptor must arrange for transfer of equitable preceptorship when not available. Please discuss with your post secondary institution that your placement will meet their practicum requirements.

Preceptor is a term used to describe a clinician who provides guidance, mentorship and supervision during a clinical placement. “A preceptor works with the learner for a defined period of time to assist the learner in acquiring new competencies required for safe, ethical and quality practice.” ATRA uses this term and Student Supervisor to be consistent with language used across Canadian health care service providers and across Alberta post-secondary institutions.

  • Placements within Alberta: The Recreation Therapy preceptor(s) must be a current ATRA Professional Member.
  • Placements outside of Alberta: The Recreation Therapy preceptor(s) must be a current professional member of their provincial therapeutic recreation association, or have current CTRS credentials.

The clinical placement must have a clinical component where the student is able to observe, learn and practice the Essential Competencies described in the Competency Profile for Recreation Therapists in Alberta for at least 250 hours of the clinical placement.

Please contact the practicum supervisors at Norquest, Lethbridge Polytechnic and Lethbridge University to inform them of your interest in having a student.

Preceptors, therapeutic recreation program post-secondary institutions and students can contact ATRA’s Education Director to discuss any aspects pertaining to therapeutic recreation practicum placements.