Post-Secondary Education
ATRA and the Alberta based post-secondary programs listed below work closely to align course curriculum and ATRA's Professional Membership Academic Pathway.
You have several choices as you start on your journey to become an ATRA Professional Member.
Therapeutic Recreation Diploma
1. Norquest College Therapeutic Recreation (On-campus or online)
2. Lethbridge Polytechnic Therapeutic Recreation – Gerontology (On-campus, online or blended)
(Note: diploma in rehabilitation assistant does not meet equivalency for a TR Diploma)
Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation
3. University of Lethbridge Therapeutic Recreation (On-campus or online)
Note: Degree titles not accepted: Recreation and Sport, Management or Tourism (without an emphasis / minor in therapeutic recreation); kinesiology, physical education, adapted physical education, community rehabilitation or rehabilitation assistant.
Update: February 20, 2025
Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation (KSR) at the University of Alberta, Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport and Tourism (BARST) Program
As you may be aware, the Faculty of KSR at the University of Alberta has had to make the difficult decision to pause teaching Recreation Therapy (RT) courses within the BARST degree as of the end of 2022. In addition, the Faculty of KSR proceeded with significant program changes to the Practicum requirements of all degree programs, no longer offering a single term, end of the degree, 400-450 hr full-term practicum placement for students admitted as of September 2024. Coinciding with these changes, the Faculty of KSR has provided assistance to the remaining RT focused students, admitted prior to September 2024, in completing the necessary coursework and obtaining a RT practicum placement to be eligible for ATRA membership.
In March of 2023, at the request of the Faculty of KSR, ATRA removed the KSR BARST degree from being listed as eligible for membership. Since the 2022 decision of KSR to not proceed with RT Programming, students graduating from the Faculty of KSR BARST Program at the U of A have been advised that the Faculty is no longer able to offer all of the required coursework to be eligible for ATRA membership (the last academic year all courses were offered being 2023/24).
As ATRA has processed most of the last students graduating from the Faculty of KSR BARST undergraduate degree with the eligible education requirements, we want to thank the university for their support of students.
Current and prospective students with questions or inquiries regarding present and/or future RT coursework in the Faculty of KSR can reach out directly to the Faculty of KSR Associate Dean Undergraduate Programs:
For questions related to ATRA membership, please contact the Education Director, Rena Walker:
Beyond Alberta
Across Canada
Educational Institutions across Canada offering Therapeutic Recreation Programs
- ATRA does not manage information published on other websites. Please reach out to universities and colleges with specific questions
United States
Colleges with Therapeutic Recreation Programs
- ATRA does not manage information published on other websites. Please reach out to universities and colleges with specific questions
If you are unsure if a program from outside Alberta will meet ATRA Professional Membership, contact