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Pathways to Professional Diploma Membership
Pathways to Professional Diploma Membership
Pathway 1. Academic Track
Professional Diploma Qualifications: this category is for therapeutic recreation diploma graduates who:
- Will not be pursuing Professional Degree Membership
- No longer meet Student Membership criteria
- Applicant will submit final official transcripts from a national or internationally accredited Therapeutic Recreation Diploma program.
- Applicants graduating after May 1, 2011 are required to submit the Therapeutic Recreation Practicum Placement Confirmation Form_2025.docx - Google Docs
Pathway 2. Renewing a Lapsed Membership
If it has been less than three years since you last renewed your ATRA Membership, please do not reapply. You are able to access the Member Section of ATRA's website and renew our membership, late penalty fees will apply. If you forgot your member login information contact our friendly staff at support@alberta-tr.ca.
Pathway 3. Return to Practice
If you were previously a Professional Member of ATRA and let your membership lapse longer than three years, your return pathway has an alternate route.
Applicant will provide:
- Previous ATRA Professional Membership (academic credentials previously assessed by ATRA).
- Continued Competence Evaluation: submission of Continued Competence Form listing forty – five (45) Competence Education Units obtained within the previous three years.
- RTP applicants who do not apply with 45 CEU’s already completed will be given a grace period of 6 (six) months to record 45 CEU’s. If 6 months should elapse without the recording of 45 CEU’s, the application will be cancelled.
When applicants require up to 6 months to complete Return to Practice CEUs, their new CEU 3-year timelines start at approval of continual membership.
- Note: 45 CEU's are required every 3 years to maintain Professional Membership