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Complaints & Resolution
At this time, registration of professionals with ATRA is voluntary. ATRA thus does not have the authority to discipline its members for practice that is unethical, harmful or ineffective.
ATRA has been moving the profession toward self-regulation under the Alberta Health's Health Professions Act. As a self-regulated profession, a standardized complaints and resolution process will be followed in the event of a concern being brought forward by a member of the public or patient regarding a registered professional.
Beyond self-regulation, Recreation Therapists in Alberta are still bound by the following:
- Protection of Persons in Care Act (PPIC) which is an avenue to handle patient issues and report them when they are specifically related to patient abuse and neglect; investigations by employers under the Act may result in loss of employment
- FOIP, HIA, PIPA, PIPEDA laws that protect privacy, confidentiality, documentation and disclosure of health information
- Employment procedures related to Consent for Level of Care, Guardianship & Trusteeship, Consent for Treatment, disclosure of health information and records management
- Employer expectation of professional competencies common to other allied health professionals, such as teamwork, communication and problem solving